Meet the New VIZIO Home Screen: Your destination for easy streaming.

June 28, 2023

The VIZIO Home Screen transforms the way you discover and stream entertainment. A reimagined design delivers a more intuitive and personalized experience than ever before. With new, built-in features and customization, it’s easier than ever to enjoy your favorite apps as well as find new shows and movies you’ll love.

We’ve designed our home screen to fit consumers’ lifestyles, so whether you’re all about workouts, children’s shows, or music streaming apps, you’ll get to the action faster.


Now we’re talking. Let’s dig into the nuts and bolts of our upgrades, so you can make the most of your VIZIO Home Screen experience.

  1. Intuitive & navigable design
    We revamped the menu and settings structures with a new left-side navigation and hierarchy that make browsing a breeze. New genre pages and an easier-to-use grid keyboard allow you to quickly search for content you’ll love.
  2. Seamless Content Discovery
    With new places to discover entertainment, plus rows of recommended shows, you can find and access more relevant content quickly. Hover over featured titles to show helpful information, including Rotten Tomatoes scores and reviews, making your VIZIO Home Screen the perfect starting point for your entertainment viewing experience.
  3. Customization
    Make the VIZIO Home Screen your own. Start customizing the App Row to sort your favorite apps with a single click. The easy-to-browse app catalog now includes comprehensive details and recommended programming so you can see the best of every app. Plus, add movies and shows from different apps to My Watchlist to see all your content in one place.

Now you’ve got the 101 on your new VIZIO Home Screen, get ready for your weekends to be a whole lot better.